RCT : Root Canal Treatment

Here’s a streamlined list of steps for a healthy recovery after a root canal treatment (RCT):

  1. Avoid Eating Immediately: Refrain from eating until numbness wears off. When you start, avoid chewing with the affected tooth until tenderness is gone.

  2. Keep Your Head Elevated: Sleep with your head elevated on extra pillows for the first few nights to reduce swelling.

  3. Manage Pain: Take over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen as needed to control discomfort.

  4. Gargle with Salt Water: Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater (half a teaspoon of salt in one cup of warm water) to prevent infection.

  5. Use Cold Compresses: Apply cold compresses to reduce swelling and eat cold foods like ice cream to soothe the area. Avoid the affected tooth if sensitive.

  6. Avoid Inflammation Triggers: Stay away from hot drinks, alcohol, smoking, and straws to minimize inflammation.

  7. Rest and Limit Activities: Avoid strenuous activities and physical exertion for the first two days.

  8. Expect Some Sensitivity: Mild sensitivity to temperature and pressure is normal during the first week or two.

  9. Follow Up with Your Dentist: Adhere to your dentist’s specific recovery instructions and contact them if you notice any unusual symptoms or complications.

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